Flat Stanley Rohland on the New Jersey AT sections 1 and 2

Hi Friends,

Here are the pictures of my hike in New Jersey in sections 1 and 2. I have some really good stories to tell you about my 2 hikes.

These pictures are from Saturday, April 28, 2007. The date on the pictures have the wrong year. We hiked from Long House Road to NJ 94. That is just a little over 7 miles.

The trail is very wet here. We had to hike on this wood to keep our feet dry.

The best part about this hike is that I got to hike with two of my parents hiking buddies from Connecticut. Here I am with Uncle Barry. Uncle Barry was so cool to take me out to the edge of the water for this picture.


Here I am holding hands with Daddy and Aunt Marsha. Uncle Barry is making sure they don't drop me.

This is a bridge over Double Kill stream. See the metal on the side? That is the part of the bridge that was built in the 1890's. Can you figure out how old that bridge is?

We met Troup 71 from New Jersey on our hike. I always like to meet scouts when we hike. I like hiking with Mommy and Daddy but I really like to see other kids on the AT. I always get to talk to them when we stop to take their picture. These guys are great. They work so hard to hike with all of the stuff they have to carry. You can tell they are having a great time on the AT.


Help! I'm being eaten by a rock!

Doesn't this look like a really big mouth? You just never know what you will find on the AT. That's why the AT is so exciting. There is always something new to find and explore.

Look what Uncle Barry did. He put me on top of a hiking pole on this wooden footbridge. I was having problems seeing but now I'm not. Look at all of that water! It's a good thing I'm hanging on to the pole or I'd be sailing off with the spring water.

What looks different here? Look for me. Did you find me? I am behind a tree without any bark. I think some animal took all of the bark off this tree. Why do you think? Have you ever seen this before?

Fabulous. That's all I have to say about Pinwheel's Vista.

This is a short hike off of the AT. It is named after Pinwheel. Pinwheel was the trail name of a person who took care of the AT.

I felt really small hiking between these big rocks. I thought it was really cool. It looks like someone pushed them apart so we could hike through here.

This is my last picture from Saturday. If you would like to see some pictures that Mommy took go to NJ Section 1 pictures.

Don't go away I have more pictures from Sunday to tell you about.

My hike on Sunday, April 29, 2007 was very special. It was my first hike with my big brother Jesse. We hiked 7 miles in section 2.

Jesse and I are on the bridge over Wawayanda Creek.

Jesse and me at Wawayanda Creek

Pochuck Swamp was one of the best hikes. The ground is all wet so you can't hike on it. The people that take care of the trail built all kinds of things to cross the swamp. This is a bridge that they built.

Here you can see all of the boardwalk that they also built. When we were hiking we met one of the people that helped to build all of this. We thanked him for all of his hard work.

Pochuck Swamp is home to all kinds of birds. You can stand here and just watch them.

I met Aimee and Nadia. They were also hiking the Pochuck Swamp. They were hiking with a group that was looking at all kinds of things along the AT.

Aunt Marsha and Uncle Barry had to get home to Connecticut so we said goodbye to them here. I will miss them but Mommy and Daddy said we will hike with them again.


Daddy, Mommy, Jesse and I hiked to the top of Pochuck Mountain. Daddy is holding me up so I can get a good look at the view.

We hiked down the other side of Pochuck Mountain and ended our hike there.

Boy that was great!

You can see Mommy's pictures at New Jersey section 2.


That's it for this weekend. Mommy and Daddy have more pictures of our hike. You may see them at New Jersey - Section 1 and New Jersey - Section 2.

I can't wait to see your picture on the AT. Don't forget to send it to me. My email address is stanley @ rohland.org. I just need to know your first name and where you hiked. I will put it on the Kids on the Appalachian Trail page.

I would like to hear about your AT adventures too. Send your story and picture to me and I will put them on my website. Don't forget to take me with you. You can get a picture of me to take along. Just go to http://www.flatstanley.com/template.htm.


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